Stiim Aqua Cluster

About Stiim Aqua Cluster

Stiim Aqua Cluster is a Norwegian innovation cluster that represents a complete ecosystem within aquaculture. The cluster consists of close to 200 companies.

Our Focus Areas

Green value chains

Stiim Aqua Cluster’s ambition is to facilitate for new value chains for sustainable aquaculture to meet  the global demands for healthy food in the years to come. The cluster encourages innovation to enhance seafood-production areas both on land, in the sea and in more challenging offshore locations.

Målgruppen for workshopen er  veletablerte bedrifter med god omsetning og tilgang til kapital, som aktivt jobber med eller søker internasjonal vekst og markedsinngang i løpet av de neste seks til 12 månedene.


Norwegian companies have a leading position in developing new technology and innovative concepts for fishfarming. Stiiim works to strenghten the member companies competitativeness both on a national and international level. The cluster provides several kowledge-building programmes and events for its member companies.

Entrepreneurship and capital

Capital to facilitate growth is essential for start-up companies with unique innovations. Stiim Aqua Cluster’s programmes Ocean of Opportunities provides access to customers and investors for start-up companies within aquaculture.

Grønn plattform skal bidra til utvikling av grønne verdikjeder gjennom FoU- og innovasjonsprosjekter.

Smart Farming

Stiim strenghtens the digitalization of aquaculture for better and more effective production and improved fish welfare. This is done through knowledge-building projects, events and the cluster’s own digital platform for how to do aquaculture, Blue Planet Academy. 

Blue Planet Academy

Blue Planet Academy is the number one site for knowledge on how to do aquaculture. Here you find an extensive educational video library and specialized online courses. Fish welfare, escape prevention, hygiene and biosafety are just some of the topics presented in a thorough but easy-to-understand way.

Link to BluePlanet Academy ›

Close to 200 member companies

The cluster’s  close to 200  members are companies that operate within aquatechnology and aquaculture, start-ups, financial institutions, academia and research communities.

Find our members here ›

Contact us

Is your company interested in joining Stiim Aqua Cluster? Contact us by sending an e-mail to 

Stiim Aqua Cluster’s office is located in Måltidets Hus at Ullandhaug in Stavanger. 

Visit us at: Richard Johnsens gate 4, 4021 Stavanger, Norway

Postal address: Stiim Aqua Cluster, PO Box 8034, NO-4068 Stavanger, Norway

You can also find us on LinkedIn and Facebook